Types of Pancakes at The Pancake Co.

At The Pancake Co., we believe pancakes could make your #HappyTogetherTime even better! As a modern café specializing in the fluffiest soufflé pancakes in town, we offer even more. You can enjoy up to four different kinds of pancakes at our happy place! In this article, we are taking you for a closer look at each one.

Soufflé Pancake
Let’s begin with the OG, soufflé pancake! This Japanese pancake is incredibly fluffy, soft, and dances on your plate happily. Adorned with a variety of toppings, this melt-in-your-mouth pancake surely whisk you away to blissful Cloud 9 filled with love and happiness!

Pancake Burger
We all agree that burgers can turn into dessert! Meet Pancake Burger, fluffy pancake buns with sweet toppings in the middle. A delightful and fun way to savour your pancake, bursting with flavours and joy within each bite!

Waterfall Pancake
A unique way to eat our pancakes! Fluffy and soft pancake buns topped with cream cascading like a tremendous waterfall. Not only this pancake will satisfy your sweet cravings, but it also lets you showcase your artsy and creative skill through its toppings!

Pancake Parfait
More toppings? Yes, please! Our Pancake Parfait features layers of sauce, a fluffy pancake burger bun, baked cheese, nama cream, fruits or granola, cookie crumbs, and is perfectly topped with ice cream. A layer of happiness awaits you!

Which one will be your favourite, Panmates? Share your thoughts below