3 Ways to Balance Your Kid’s Screen Time

Nowadays, kids are more likely to engage with gadgets rather than play outside with their friends. However, interacting with others is vital for developing their social skills. Cutting down on screen time can be very tricky for some parents, but it’s very essential. Here are our tips to help you get your kids out of their gadgets!

  1. Schedule & Set Limits
    Try to establish specific times for your kids to use their devices and set daily time limits. This allows you to monitor their screen usage and helps your children balance their screen time with other important activities.
  2. Encourage Alternatives
    There are plenty of enjoyable activities beyond screen time. Encourage your kids with other enriching activities such as reading and playing outside. Additionally, consider visiting The Pancake Co. on weekends for our Kids Pancake Chef activity where they can have fun decorating their own Pancake Burger!
  3. Be A Positive Example
    We all know that kids often imitate their parents. In that case, you need to be mindful of your own screen time too! Use your free time with less screen involvement and engage in more productive activities. By doing so, your kid can unplug from their gadgets as well.

How do you reduce your kid’s screen time, Panmates? Let’s share your thoughts down below!