Why Your Little Ones Should Join “It’s Your Kid’s Day” Event As Pancake Makers

“It’s Your Kid’s Day” is The Pancake Co.’s monthly event – a day where your little ones become pancake makers and express their creativity by decorating our speciality Pancake Burger. Not only does it bring joy and amusement to your kids, but this event also offers numerous advantages. In this article, let’s explore the reasons why your little ones should join our pancake decorating event!

  1. Developing Physical Motor Ability
    As children progress through early childhood, they experience a significant development in their physical motor abilities (gross motor skills and fine motor skills), such as movements in the hands, wrist, legs, and trunks of the body. At our event, your little one as a pancake maker engages in physical motor activities through the hands-on task of decorating pancakes.
  2. Channeling Their Creativity
    At “It’s Your Kid’s Day” event, it is the time for your child’s creativity to shine! Pick any fillings and toppings you desire, put your apron and chef’s hat on, and you are good to go to unleash your imagination and decorate your own Pancake Burger creation!
  3. Making New Friends
    Our fun and playful environment is the perfect place for your little ones to craft unforgettable moments and form new friendships. “It’s Your Kid’s Day” event enables your child to interact with peers who share similar interests and foster connections that endure for years to come!

Stay tuned on our Instagram @pancakecobydore for the upcoming “It’s Your Kid’s Day” event, Pancake Darling!